Individual Leadership Development


Individual Leadership DevelopmentClient Issue

  • Many technically capable and intelligent senior leaders are missing adequate self-awareness and proper leadership development for their next role. They often lack requisite people skills and cannot effectively motivate and mobilize peers and subordinates toward executing key initiatives.
  • It’s our belief that there is no right way to lead, rather that leadership effectiveness derives from the unique expression of the individual leader’s motives, values, personality traits and skills, along with a plan for better managing technical and interpersonal weaknesses.

Our Approach

  • For the coaching process: contracting with the executive and his or her boss to commit to the goals and the process, including the ongoing support.
  • Helping the executive generate their key business goals as context for leadership development.
  • Gathering data through co-worker interviews and psychometric self-assessments to help the executive learn how he or she is perceived in the context of business acumen, strengths, motives, values and personality traits contributing to opportunities for development.
  • Working intimately with executives to help turn increasing self-awareness into a development plan that will increase leadership effectiveness in the workplace.
  • Scaffolding this development plan with a second contract between the boss and the participant on the methods of carrying out the plan with full support from the accountable manager and the organizational systems and processes.


  • Executives with freed up energy can focus on being effective leaders. Changes are evolving and sustainable over time based upon a marriage of who they are fundamentally and what the organization requires of them.